Where we came from.
Created out of sheer necessity to overcome frustrating hosting challenges, the journey of EpicHoster is one that resonates with many of our clients’ own struggles.
Hey there—
I’m Raeghan, the founder of EpicHoster. For years, we’ve been on a mission to revolutionize web hosting. We’re a family owned and operated company who started out in WordPress Development, Tech, and Private Security.
People often ask me why we started EpicHoster. They’ve seen many hosting companies but never one quite like ours. So, where did the idea come from?
I wish I could say it was a stroke of genius or some deep insight. But the truth is, we built EpicHoster out of sheer necessity. We needed it badly. Without it, we were missing out on helping businesses thrive online.
Way back when, we were just like many of our clients—struggling with unreliable hosting solutions. As we grew, our needs became more demanding. We thought we could find a U.S. Based host that met our needs, but we couldn’t. Sound familiar?
It wasn’t that we didn’t know how to build websites—we just didn’t have the right hosting partner. We were facing downtime, slow speeds, and lackluster support overseas.
Our websites were suffering, and, as is often the case, our clients sometimes noticed before we did. That was especially painful and uncomfortable.
We needed a better way to host websites, provide personalized support, and ensure maximum reliability. Generic hosting services just weren’t cutting it. They work for a moment, but fall apart quickly, especially as your needs grow.
We looked around and tried a few things, but none of the popular solutions could meet our standards. So, we had to create our own hosting company from scratch.
We focused on building a reliable, high-performance hosting service that could handle our needs and those of our clients. We invested in top-of-the-line hardware, state-of-the-art security, and assembled a team of experts who truly cared about helping others succeed online.
We started offering our hosting services to our clients, and they loved it. They kept saying, “This is exactly what we need!” That’s when the lightbulb went on—if we needed this, surely others did too.
So we polished our services, tightened up our processes, and officially launched EpicHoster. The response was incredible.
It turns out, thousands of other companies were facing similar hosting challenges and needed what we offered. Within a year, EpicHoster was growing faster than we had ever imagined. We shifted our focus entirely to hosting, and we’ve never looked back.
Based on feedback and our own experiences, we’ve made countless improvements over the years, with many more to come. EpicHoster has redefined what web hosting can be, and we’re constantly pushing the boundaries to serve our clients better.
It’s been an incredible journey so far, and we owe it all to our amazing clients. We feel a deep sense of responsibility to continue providing the best possible hosting experience. We’re here for you, committed to making your online presence epic, year after year.
Thanks for reading, and for choosing EpicHoster. If you have any questions or need assistance, you can always contact me directly at heyrae@epichoster.com. I look forward to hearing from you.

Raeghan, Founder, CEO